5th December 2020

I can’t believe how fast this year is going.  The first weekend in December is the time we get our tree and put it up.  Since the start of the year we have tried harder to think a bit more about the environment and are trying to be more conscientious with our shopping, having no wastage and using and buying plastics less.  So the Christmas tree was making me feel a bit uncomfortable.  

I like to have a real tree, I love the smell and love going to buy the tree, picking out the perfect one that will see us through the whole of December.  This year we have decided to buy a potted tree so we don’t have to kill a tree just to have something beautiful in our lounge. It felt good and I am hopeful to keep it alive throughout the year.

It is not as big as our usual one but is absolutely gorgeous and sits proudly in the beautiful pot we bought.  Hopefully it will be with us for years to come. I love it.  I now just need to get the chocolates for it. Matt asks for one almost daily so by the time the tree comes down there are hardly any left.


6th December 2020


4th December 2020