8th August 2021

Ahh the day after the night before.  I am too old for such late nights now, I am fine at the time but I takes me days to recover, although we did have such a great night.  

Today we made sticky middle eastern chicken and followed a recipe, it was really nice but a few tweaks were needed and I think it would be so much better as chicken wings.  We buy chicken supremes which is where the breast comes with the wing attached and so we cooked the wings as well and they were most definitely the winners, the crispy golden skin just transformed the sticky sauce.  They were topped with pistachios and sesame seeds and I really liked the topping.  Another recipe to do again.

I have also been deciding what to cook for Victoria’s baby shower, we are having a theme of afternoon tea so the possibilities are endless and I can already sense some reigning in is going to be required.


9th August 2021


7th August 2021