11th November 2021

Have I told you how in love with South Africa I am?  The food, the place, the people, just everything about it.  I love our trips there and with COVID meaning we have not visited for 1½ years you realise completely what you are missing.  We go there with jaffa cakes, toblerones, Lindt choccies and dog and cat treats and come home with half of Woolies!  English readers don't be alarmed, Woolies in SA (and I believe Oz) is more like your Marks and Spencers.

Kerryn and Ian introduced us to this amazing jalapeno jelly by Daleswood Fromagery which I love, it is great with cheese and cold meats but in a sandwich with a touch of mayo is when it totally sings.  We have run out, we ran out a few weeks ago and so we made a little pilgrimage to central Joburg to get some.  I do hope next trip we are able to get to Daleswood in Paarl.  You can only get their full range of preserves and chutneys from their own shop.

I laugh to myself when the suitcases get packed as there is always more food and drink than clothes.


12th November 2021


10th November 2021