22nd August 2022

The new book of the month was announced last week, Mezcla by Ixta Belfrage, and mine has arrived.  It is an interesting mix of Italian, Brazilian and Mexican.  Ixta is fresh from the Ottolenghi family and if you are a fan of Ottolenghi's food then this will be for you.  Tomorrow we are planning on cooking a prawn and corn dish so watch this space.  We have ear marked quite a few including two different lasagnes.

I also had some beautiful fresh mangoes and some pastry and kept thinking about how good a tarte tatin would be.  By 3pm I could think of nothing else and so the resulting tarte tatin was honestly a full gone conclusion.  I gently spiced with cardamom and we had with some homemade passion fruit ice cream.  It really did hit the spot.


1st January 2023


21st August 2022