26th March 2021

Last year we did a few of the restaurant at home meals, mostly from the Man Behind the Curtain.  I loved doing them, I learnt a lot and really did enjoy them very much.

I have been thinking that it would be really good to do another and this week I saw that Core by Clare Smyth is doing one. I was so excited I could barely contain myself. The deliveries really were only for inside the M25 and I am just outside, I even considered driving to the M25 to meet the driver ha ha. Luckily team Core were so lovely and agreed to deliver the at home box.

From the moment we received our delivery I knew it would be good.  The meal came in a gorgeous cooler bag with flowers, champagne, a meat thermometer and tweezers.  Everything looked so perfect and I was so excited as I dived in.

We had canapés, a starter, a fish course, a meat course and dessert.  It was really really fun to do, tasty, delicious and I learnt a lot.  Core is definitely on my hit list for restaurants!


27th March 2021


25th March 2021