11th May 2021

Despite having a wonderful cookbook library I still have so many books that I would like to buy. My cook book wish list is full (and growing) and comes to thousands of pounds which always makes me laugh. The books sit in my Amazon basket just waiting their turn all patiently.  Not that I always buy from Amazon but it is a great place to have all of the books I on my list. 

I really love getting a new cookbook, there are so many wonderful ideas and things to learn.  I also always mark up my cookbooks when I have cooked something to say how the recipe worked out, any points to be aware of or any changes that need to be made otherwise the next time you cook them you have no hope of remembering. This means my books are covered in food stains and notes, it is something that never ever ceases to make me smile.


12th May 2021


10th May 2021